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The supply-side theory is an economic concept whereby increasing the supply of goods leads to economic growth. Also defined as supply-side fiscal policythe concept has been applied by several U. presidents in attempts to stimulate the economy.
Supply-side economic theory is commonly used by governments as a premise for targeting variables that bolster an economy's ability to supply more goods, modern portfolio theory forex.
In general, supply-side fiscal policy can be based on any number of variables. It is not limited in scope but seeks to identify variables that will lead to increased supply and subsequent economic growth.
Supply-side theorists, historically, have focused on corporate income tax reductions, capital borrowing rates, and looser business regulations. Lower-income tax rates and lower capital borrowing rates provide companies with more cash for reinvestment. Moreover, modern portfolio theory forex, looser business regulations can eliminate lengthy processing times and unnecessary reporting requirements that can stifle production.
Comprehensively, all three variables have been found to provide increased incentives for expansion, higher levels of production, and increased modern portfolio theory forex capacity.
Overall, there can be any number of supply-side fiscal actions a government can take. Often, supply-side fiscal policy will be heavily influenced by the current culture. In some instances, supply-side economics may be part modern portfolio theory forex a global plan to increase domestic supply and make domestic products more favorable over foreign products.
Proponents of supply-side policies believe that they have a trickle-down effect, modern portfolio theory forex. The theory is that by targeting the economic variables that might be most effective in boosting production, companies will produce more and expand.
As they do so, they employ modern portfolio theory forex workers and increase wages, putting more money in the pockets of consumers. However, history has not borne this out to work in practice. The supply-side theory and demand-side theory generally take two different approaches to economic stimulus. The demand-side theory was developed in the s by John Maynard Keynes and is also known as Keynesian theory. The demand-side theory is built on the idea that economic growth is stimulated through demand.
Therefore, practitioners of the theory seek to empower buyers. This can be modern portfolio theory forex through government spending on education, unemployment benefits, and other areas that increase the spending power of individual buyers.
Critics of this theory argue that it can be more costly and more difficult to implement with less desirable results. Overall, multiple studies have been produced through the years that support both supply and demand-side fiscal policies. However, studies have shown that due to multiple economic variables, environments, and factors, it can be hard to pinpoint effects with a high level of confidence and to determine the exact outcome of any one theory or set of policies.
The Laffer Curve helped formulate the concept of supply-side theory. The curve, designed by economist Arthur Laffer in the s, argues that there is a direct relationship between tax receipts and federal spending—primarily that they substitute on a one-to-one basis. The theory argues that a loss in tax revenue is made up by an increase in growth; thus, tax cuts are a better fiscal policy choice. In the s, modern portfolio theory forex, President Ronald Reagan used supply-side theory to combat stagflation that followed the recession in the early part of the decade.
Gross domestic product GDP under the Reagan Administration averaged 3. Bush R : 2. This supply-side fiscal policy of tax cuts to boost economic growth remained popular among U. presidents in subsequent decades.
In andPresident George W. Bush also instituted wide-ranging tax cuts. These applied to ordinary income as well as dividends and capital gains among others. InPresident Donald Trump enacted a tax bill that, in principle, is based on supply-side economics. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act TCJA cut taxes, both income and corporate, in the hope to stimulate growth.
Since then, the provisions have benefited high earners disproportionately and hurt some working- and middle-class taxpayers. During his presidential term, Trump also focused on modern portfolio theory forex fiscal policy through trade relations that raised tariffs on international producers with the aim of creating an opportunity for U. businesses to produce more. Critics of these types of policies point to the growing trend among corporations to engage in stock buybacks. Buybacks occur when companies place the cash they may gain from lower taxes back into the pockets of their shareholders rather than investing in new plants, equipment, modern portfolio theory forex, innovative ventures, or their workers.
The Guardian. The World Bank. Congressional Research Service. Tax Policy Center. Income Tax. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Part Of. Introduction to Economics. Economic Concepts and Theories.
Economic Indicators. Real World Economies. Economics Macroeconomics. What Is Supply-Side Theory? Key Takeaways: Supply-side economics holds that increasing the supply of goods translates to economic growth for a country. In supply-side fiscal policy, practitioners often focus on cutting taxes, lowering borrowing rates, and deregulating industries to foster increased production.
Supply-side fiscal policy was formulated in the s as an alternative to Keynesian, demand-side policy. Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.
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Related Terms Reaganomics Reaganomics is a popular term referring to the economic policies modern portfolio theory forex President Ronald Reagan. Modern portfolio theory forex how Reaganomics impacted spending, regulations, and taxes.
Market Dynamics Market dynamics are pricing signals resulting from changes in the supply and demand for products and services. Trickle-Down Theory The trickle-down theory states that tax breaks and benefits for corporations and the wealthy will make their way down to everyone.
John Maynard Keynes John Maynard Keynes is one of the founding fathers of modern-day macroeconomic theories. Learn how Keynesian economics impacts spending and taxes. Laffer Curve Definition The Laffer Curve is the relationship between tax rates and tax revenue collected by governments.
Keynesian Economics Definition Keynesian Economics is an economic theory of total spending in the economy and its effects on output and inflation developed by John Maynard Keynes. Partner Links. Related Articles.
Macroeconomics What Is Demand-Side Economics? Income Tax How the Ideal Tax Rate Is Determined: The Laffer Curve. Macroeconomics Supply-Side Economics Definition. Economics What do economists believe causes economic growth?
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Topics such as, project appraisal, financial planning, portfolio management and securities analysis, working capital management and capital budgeting decisions, treasury management, forex management, commodity exchange and derivatives have been written keeping in view the financial The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to finance. Finance – addresses the ways in which individuals and organizations raise and allocate monetary resources over time, taking into account the risks entailed in their projects Static Trade-Off Theory. The static trade-off theory of the capital structure is a theory of the capital structure of firms. The theory tries to balance the costs of financial distress with the tax shield benefit from using blogger.com this theory, there exists an optimal capital structure that
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